OPEN LETTER FROM SNEŽANA MIĆANOVIĆ: In the clamps of the inquisition
- Autor Dobojski Info
- 3 Komentara
The editorial office of the city's independent informative portal Dobojski Info received an open letter from Snežana Mićanović, former director of the PHI Pharmacy "Jovan Jovanović Zmaj". We are delivering it in its full form:
On November 27, 2021, I received the verdict from the Magistrate Court in Doboj delivering the guilty verdict and sentencing me for 10 months in prison for the criminal offense of unexecuted court decision and a prison sentence of 5 months for the criminal offense of negligent work in the service and a single sentence of imprisonment of 1 year. A clause from the verdict determines that the sentence will not be carried out if I do not commit a new criminal offense within 2 years.
The time of action: 21st century, Doboj, at the time when I was running the former PHI Pharmacy "Jovan Jovanović Zmaj".
In this case, the role of the prosecutor was performed by Mladen Simić and the verdict was delivered by Judge Vesna Mikerevic, who works at the institute called “The Court of the Doom” in Doboj.
With the help of the defense attorney on one side and the state, the Public Prosecutor`s Office and the district court on the other side in the grotesque process in which, of course, I was in the case in which I had no chance.
In February 2021, an incredible and inexplicable persecution in the court practice of the modern age began.
When the time came for me to present my defense, Judge Vesna Mikerević deprived me the right to present my defense evidence, explaining that "the subject of the accusation is a final court’s decision, resolutions and court settlement" and rejected the defense's motion to present the proposed evidence. However, Judge Vesna Mikerević did not stop there either. For days, although she was aware of the fact that due to illness I could not stand trial, she was consciously scheduling hearings for April 6, 13, 22, and May 7, 18. Even in the 12th century, those who were summoned had the right to appear in court within 15 to 30 days. The Doboj Inquisition does not have that right.
In order to hand me the appeal, Judge Vesna Mikerević sent the judicial police to my aged parents’ door (with whom I do not live) which stirred them emotionally and mentally. It is completely unclear how Judge Vesna obtained my parents’ address. The violence did not stop there either. Judicial police raided my workplace and even the subsidiary pharmacy in Kotorsko on several occasions harassing my employees.
In her appeals to my defense attorney, Judge Vesna Mikerević tried to deny me the right to an elected defense attorney and threatens to appoint a lawyer by court. She did not conclude the answers to the questions asked by the defense attorney. She did not state correctly at what stage the criminal proceedings are, falsely stating in the court records that the proceedings are in the phase of closing arguments, although the proceedings were still in the phase of proving evidence. Even though prosecutor amended the indictment, she deprived me of the right to plead to the amended indictment and propose the evidence. The court represented by the aforementioned judge refused to record the main hearings with audio equipment during the proceedings, even though the defense requested and objected that the hearings were not recorded. She had the facts recorded without our knowledge, and when my defense attorney demanded the records to be corrected, Judge Vesna Mikerević refused it.
She, by herself, decided and rejected the request for her exemption, which was submitted to her in writing and handed over by my defense attorney before the start of the main trial to the reception office, and then handed over to Judge Vesna Mikerević.
She did not allow me to leave the courtroom when my defense attorney was forced to leave the courtroom for flagrant violations of the Criminal Procedure Code, nor has she taught me that I have the right to hire a lawyer or provide a lawyer, all under a threat of detention which lasted a long time. Judge Vesna Mikerević's behavior is shameful, scandalous, unprofessional, biased and extremely hostile.
From all the above, it can be concluded that I had already been judged in advance and that there was no need to present my defense or position - on the contrary. The aforementioned judge, would, if she only could, pass a verdict immediately upon the receipt of the indictment. To her, the presence of my defense attorney and me is only a formal reason that she must legally fulfill in order to make such a decision.
What terrible crime I committed to be persecuted the way described in the lines below.
In extraordinary and especially aggravating circumstances in 2014, when the flood destroyed the entire property and documentation of the institution where I worked, Ljiljana Ružojčić (wife of Judge Mladen Ružojčić), economic technician, performing the head of accounting department, refused to perform her duties not allowing me, as a director, to pay salaries and other payments to my employees, producing a chaotic situation in order to harm the Pharmacy and the workers, at the time she addressed me a self-proclaimed director.
In order to prevent the potential damage, I was forced to give hand her a decision on the termination of employment, after which retaliation began. The appropriate court makes decisions in favor of Ljiljana Ružojčić, economic technician (wife of Judge Mladen Ružojčić) and orders me to let her come to work and pay the corresponding fees. I invited her to the institution on March 25, 2015, to regulate her employment status but she did not respond. The commission determines that the worker fulfilled the conditions for retirement and that her employment is terminated by force of law. I paid her all the salaries for the period until she acquired the conditions for retirement, severance pay in accordance with the labor law, since the law does not recognize the possibility of extending the employment status after the employee has completed 40 years of service.
So who was unscrupulous here? Me, who worked in accordance with the law, or Maja Ivančević, who became the director after me, who concluded court settlements on the basis of which Ljiljana Ružojčić, economic technician (wife of Judge Mladen Ružojčić) was paid a salary for 41 years and part of 42 years of service. By the court settlement, they "agree" when Ljiljana Ružojčić, economic technician (wife of Judge Mladen Ružojčić) will retire, and the amount of around 30,000 KM was paid to her illegally and voluntarily. In order to "justify themselves" of illegally committed actions, they need a verdict in which I will be found guilty.
In May 2021, Judge Vesna went on a sick leave for 5 months. The case was taken over by the Trial Council, in which the president of the court, Goran Đurić, who has the main word, threatened me with detention and arrest warrants. After returning from a 5-month long sick leave, Vesna Mikerević took over the case, without informing the parties in the case, my defense attorney and me.
Another act of inhumanity aimed at me was the fact that immediately after I was discharged from hospital, Judge Vesna Mikerević ordered the court police to detain me, turning a blind eye to the fact that I had just been recovered from systemic disease SARS-COV-19. She required neuropsychiatric expertise for me. Even though I was not diagnosed with a neuro disease, Vjekoslav Kovačević, psychiatrist, for a miserable amount of 200KM, confirmed that I was capable to appear before the court. When I asked how it is possible for a psychiatrist to diagnose an infectious disease like SARS-COV-19, Judge Vesna answered that it was a psychiatric expertise, which confused me even more.
The prosecutor, Mladen Simić, whispered to be the servant of the regime, accused me of these criminal acts because I protected the interest of the company, using all legal means.
Prosecutor Mladen Simić does not know, although he went to Law school for a long time, that the Law did not prescribe that PHIs and their leaders must not defend themselves in misdemeanor proceedings, nor did it prescribe that PHIs and their leaders must not defend themselves in civil proceedings in which they appear as a party to use legal funds and other legal remedies.
Such actions testify that I worked responsibly and professionally, which is a well-known fact in this town. The firm was liquidated after my leave.
A normal person cannot understand what these beasts are capable of. You can only be at a loss for words before all these tortures, lies, manipulations, rigged trials, persecution and the absurdity of the situation.
When the judge asked the prosecutor Simic who the "injured party" was in this criminal-legal matter, he said, a bit confused, that it was a complex legal issue. Even after so many years of service, Simic does not know if he was given the task of not knowing that in the case of liquidation and obliteration from the court register, the firm no longer exists in legal and economic life, which means that he no longer has any rights and obligations which would be eligible for the transition to a possible legal successor.
All issues related to the rights and obligations of the company are resolved by the liquidation judge before the company ceases to exist.
It is not difficult to recognize the intention of these two ‘law representing people, prosecutor Simić, Judge Vesna Mikerević and the interest groups they work for. They are willing to do anything to execute the task of those they work for. They are prone to persecution, torture, kidnapping, repression, violence, imprisonment...
In the coming days, I will file criminal charges to Doboj District Public Prosecutor's Office and disciplinary charges with the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council against Judge Vesna Mikerević, criminal charges against Maja Ivančević for unauthorized and illegal payment of 30,000 KM to Ljiljana Ružojčić (wife of Judge Mladen Ružojčić) and disciplinary report and report to the Special Prosecutor's Office of the Republika Srpska against Prosecutor Mladen Simić for distorting the facts and concealing obvious illegal actions.
I hereby call Doboj District Public Prosecutor's Office to initiate an investigation into liquidation of the PHI Pharmacy "Jovan Jovanović Zmaj" Doboj, into unauthorized payment of 30,000 KM made by director Maja Ivančević and to a judge's wife even though she met her pension requirements, which I already mentioned in the oral form at the hearing held on November 16, 2021.
Prevod Nikolina Tomić, profesor engleskog jezika
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3 Komentara
Dear Snezana ... "Mr. Pekara" and others like him are so illiterate that they don't even know Serbian.
Death to fascism - freedom of the people! -
No one gives a fuck.
Most important things are in the trash for years.
Why would we care about problems of rich people when they break-up?
Good luck. -
E sad su se prepali, ne znaju sta pise. Gospodjja Vasiljevic je hitno pozvana u stab kao clan komiteta da kaze sta to pisu protiv njih na,stranom jeziku. I Pekara je u grcu jer misli da ima veze sa Domom JNA